Tuesday, September 8, 2009

10 Things that make me happy on a Monday...or Tuesday.

Molly Pokes. There isn't much I can do on my phone, but I can poke on Facebook. Every time I see Molls poked back I have to smile.

UT Football. Sorry, I think it's something in the water.

Knitting cute baby things. You just can't be mad when holding a little baby bootie.

The fact that it's not really Monday.

I don't work at the bank anymore. Whenever we would have a Monday off, Tuesday ALWAYS SUCKED!!! At least it's not the first of the month.

The promise of fall. Don't get me wrong, we still have a helluva lot of summer ahead of us, but Labor Day is past us, thus a promise. I don't even like the cold, but there is just something about this time of year that gets me going. Maybe it's the football, or that nostalgic feeling of the start of school. Or maybe it's just all the planning. Planning yard sales, Halloween, Thanksgiving, time with the family. I don't know, but it's really got me looking forward to something this year. (Maybe it's just that I'm not planning a wedding.)

Peanut butter crackers. I think that speaks for it's self.

Dinner, ready at home. One good thing about the beans not finishing in time for dinner yesterday is that I today all I have to do is boil some rice and make the cornbread. Mmmmm....

My plants. Especially the basil plant i grew from a seed. Miracles do happen.

Buzz on www.kayak.com . I just found a way to shave close to $200 round trip on my trip to NYC with the hubs. We may even be able to do hotel & flight for what I had budgeted for just the hotel. Don't you just love a great deal?!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some days would be better spent in bed

More and more I have been feeling this way. Not because I'm sad or depressed, or have a really great bed, but because I'm so fucking sleepy all of the time. I think this morning I found our why.

As allergy season approches, and then worsens, snoring in my house enters epic proportions. I think Drew is going for some kind of record or something. It took on new hights this morning.

Nomally, when I wake up and hear him snoring I can either give him a slight push or roll him onto his side. Then I can typically resume my nights sleep. Neither tequnique worked this morning, which ultamitly resulted in a rather ticked off me throwing off the covers and muttering (maybe a bit more then a mutter) a few choise phrases at 5:30. Granted, that's not too early, but I had been laying there for an hour with no break in the motor.

So hey, I may look like I could kill you this morning, but at least I have on makeup. (and I even made it in early to work this morning)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The world begins in 8 minutes.

It’s been like forever. I promise, dear blog, that I have not forgotten about you. Alas, I have misplaced my camera and have been putting off a visit until I find it. Camera, still MIA.

A lot has been happening over the past several weeks though that has contributed to my lack of writing. My wonderful birthday came around, my mom had her knee replaced, and a few secret projects. Hopefully pictures will soon follow. I will also be having some house guest next week for SXSW, so we’ll see how that goes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

From an early age I decided that God must have a twisted sense of humor. Why else would a person who hates winter so much be born in February, the worst of the winter months? There is so much to dislike about the season. It’s cold (yes, I’m aware that I live in Texas, but it’s all relative people!), wet, and gloomy. The only thing I ever enjoy about winter is the off year it gets cold enough to ice over for a few days and the whole city stands still. There is something very aw-inspiring when a little frozen water can clear a city. We didn’t even get that this year.

I guess I have the equivalent of cabin fever. I’m ready for spring, sunshine, and skirts. I know it’s all psychological, as we still have pretty good weather, comparatively, but I miss the 90 degree sunshine.

Maybe part of the winter depression this year is just that, it’s this year. The man & I spent eighteen months planning a wedding, (Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad to be hitched to this fella, but the actual event left a bad taste in our mouth. {Really bad planner, money stolen, ran the thing myself, ect.}) and so the last few months have been spent catching our breath and trying to reintegrate with the rest of the world. I think I’m just ready to start on the next thing.

I have finished my 101 list, & I will post it in the sidebar as soon as I get a little organization to it. A new year in my life, a new marriage, a new president, and spring is just over the horizon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

yep, that's me

I may be the dumbest person around, but I cannot find how to follow a blog for the life of me. I know I've done it before. Any help would be appreciated.

This is harder then I thought

I'm still working on my 101 list. It has proved to be more difficult then I had originally thought it would be. This is what I have so far.

1. Finish 101 list
2. knit large project (sweater, blanket, ect.)
3. Volunteer w/ habitat for humanity on at least one project
4. Start back to college
5. Take 3 knitting classes
6. Pay off student loans
7. Pay off credit cards and other debt
8. Save 6000 by 12/31/09
9. Plan and enjoy trip to NYC January 2010
10. Plan & take trip for 2010
11. Plan & take trip for 2011
12. Loose 10 post wedding pounds and maintain for at least 6 months
13. Read one book a month for 12 consecutive months
14. Replace one item of clothing every other month for 12 months
15. Renew DL
16. Change name on all major documents
17. Obtain a passport
18. Edit wedding pics
19. Order coffee table book from wedding for each of four parents
20. Purchase curtains for apartment
21. Hang pictures & decorate apartment
22. Learn to make paella
23. Cook dinner at home at least four days a week for six months
24. Take vineyard tour w/ Drew
25. Host major holiday
26. Finish a 10k (running)
27. Sign up for PE2
28. Bake bread
29. Take Mom for a cruise
30. sign up for a Pilates class
31. Eat at least 1/4 of all food from either sustainable or organic farm. Meet/milk/eggs carefree/hormone free. Follow for three months.
32. Take kayaking class
33. Save for & host a girls only night/weekend.
34. Treat myself to a day at the spa.
35. Get hair died fab shade of red & maintain for at least 6 months.
36. Get hair cut every 8 weeks for at least 6 months.
37. Apply for and interview for Acct. Asso. position.
38. Make Andrew his black hat
39. Make 12 pairs of socks for myself
40. Make 2 pairs of socks for Mom, before her surgery.
41. Make pair of socks for Lenora, Molly, & Ashley.
42. Get new library card
43. Update resume
44. Work SXSW one year
45. Camp at Big Bend for a week
46. Talk with a lender about what needs done to qualify for a house
47. Do what lender suggests
48. Open an IRA
49. Coordinate a “girlfriends’” photo shoot. (Bonus if we can use Nichole)
50. Do B. Pics
51. Do TTD pics
52. Have dress cleaned
53. Have dress shortened so I can wear it out.
54. Take a theater/photo make up class
55. See a play on Broadway
56. Make perfect sangria
57. Meet someone great
58. Be moved to tears by beauty or kindness
59. Go skydiving
60. Eat a luxurious meal
61. Invent something and have it patented
62. Surprise Drew
63. Organize a large camping trip
64. Take a photography class
65. Take a computer class
66. Plant a potted herb garden, and keep it alive for 3 months

102. bonus: say yes more then no

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh my good lord!

Last night I did the impossible. My mom called me at work and asked me if I could come over and rake some leaves for her. Of course I agreed, and by four thirty i was braving the freezing cold weather. (O.k., so it was like 35, but that's damn close enough!) Twenty-four bags, three hours, and as many blisters later, I finally finished. Oh, and by that time it was officially freezing, so i wasn't so far off.

I learn a few things from this project.

1. I have an awesome husband who is learning that anytime my mom is involved, one should add at least 30% to the allotted time frame. He also got out there and busted his ass to help pick up the million piles, or I might still be out there.

2. When Mom calls for "a little help", see #1. If she bribes with food, double it.

3. In a pinch, socks work almost as well as gloves.

4. Chili's fajitas suck, and should never be an acceptable payment for leaf raking.

5. When in doubt, just call in.

The last is in reference to my morning. I'm an avid bus rider, and when gas was threatening four dollars, it saved us tons. Like maybe a nice vacation worth. Seeing as it was freezing this morning, and some ice, The Man decided it would be good for all involved to just take me to work. (He can tell my mood by what the temp outside reads. Cold is never a good day.)

The down side to this is I have to be there by 6:30 so he won't be late to the great north. Silly me thought I was just tired and needed coffee. Silly girl. Two cups of coffee and two hours later I was in the bosses office asking for vacation time (June trip to in-laws), and sick time. Sometimes it sucks not driving to work. Like when it's 8:30, 32 degrees outside (not counting the wind), and you have to wait for the bus.

Sometimes we all just need to call in sick.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Austin Weekend

I really love living in this town. Sure, it's changed a lot, and definitely isn't the same place I grew up in, but the heart is still there. Sure, there are a ton of new, corporate, things and people that have come around the last five years or so. And I swear, if one more landmark gets torn down in the name of development I may scream. The Man & I actually shouted with joy when the Statesman declared the death of the condo surge in Austin.
That's what makes Saturday mornings like this one so much sweeter. The Man & I bundled up and ventured down to the Sunset Valley Farmer's Market for, what I hoped, would be the bulk of this weeks grocery shopping. Alas, it was very cold, very windy, and only the crazies were out shopping. We did manage to score some milk, a few veggies, and a cup of very good coffee. The bulk of the vendors were more on the arts side of things, although not a one fiber goodness in sight.
Once we reached out freezing point, we headed to Maria's Taco Express for some warmth, more coffee, and great tacos. I am such a spaz and left my camera at home, but trust me, if you've never been, it's well worth the wait. The chimichurri is to die for. Mmmm.
In other news, I have finished the monkey socks and LOVE THEM! I've been referring to them as my Rainbow Bright socks. Now I just need to find my next project...probably a hat for The Man.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

As I write this, I am watching the inaugural parade. I’m sure I could wax on poetically about my hope for a new future, which I have, and my new expectation, which are high, but that can be found, much more eloquently, all over the web.

This is what I will say. Today I am happy, and have a sense of relief. Tomorrow will honestly be no different, nor the next day, but soon there is the possibility.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thank God it’s finally Friday!

There’s this country station in Corpus Christi, and every Friday, right around the time I was taking my check from the faboo temp agency to be cashed they would play this song. (They very well still might, I just don’t much care anymore, as I was able to escape, barely, the evil clutches of that city.) I have no idea what the song is called, and in fact have never heard it in it’s entirety, but the jist is Thank God it’s Friday, I just got paid, and I’m spending’ it all on booze. Yep, sounds about right. Only this Friday is not my payday Friday, so I’ll have to settle with the leftover beer from our NYE party. (Yep, still have that beer. I have the bestest, most generous friends who filled my fridge with the nectar of the gods.)

And oh, after my bus ride home from work, I need one. Hang on, need sustenance. Mmmmm. Tecate & lime.

Anyways, first I wait in the freezing cold weather (o.k., it’s like 45 or something, but this is Texas people, central Texas.) for the overly crowded bus. When it does finally arrive, I end up sitting next to an obviously drunk gentleman, on his way to work, telling me that crocheting is the most difficult, intricate work a woman can do. Ummm…what? First off, as I dumbly informed him, I was knitting, and by the way, whatthefuckdidyousay?!? That’s right up there with the guy asked me, like I was a four year old, why I didn’t just buy my socks in a store. Wasn’t it easier & cheaper that way? (This was also one of those college/fresh out kiddos who obviously just scored a job at the state capital & needs everyone to see him in his new suit.) Anyways. During my fifteen minute ride I also had lady just from the hospital talking about how they just packed something, the lady telling everyone her small child, on the bus with her, has just been diagnosed w/ strep, and the guy phone-sexing up his girlfriend. Seriously? On the bus? Whatever.

But I love riding my bus to & from work. It saves us so much time and money. Money that can be spent on other things, fiber-ey things.

This (wonderfully, nice, long) weekend I plan on finally finishing up my monkey socks, and maybe even heading to SoCo (oh, that hurts every time) to check out the awesome Hill Country Weavers, and maybe look for something to make a clapotis out of. That GC is just burning a hole in my glove box.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random, can't think of a thing to say

Have you ever notice that you have a million things to say until you have a place to say it? Not a good way to start out a blog.

I am going to make a point of posting at least once a week, although I'm sure I'm the only one checking around here. It's kinda great that way though. This way I can sound like a total idiot and there's really no one to judge me.

In other news, I'm working on the second sock for the monkey socks, and I'm really loving them. The colorway is really great too. Reminds me of Rainbow bright. I'll post photo's next time I'm around. (I'm at Mom's computer, thus no access to my pictures).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This one is for real

I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time, and in fact have had this account for about three months, just sitting here. Truth be told, I just wasn't sure if I had anything worth saying. Don't get me wrong, I can yammer on and on about absolutely nothing at all, but was I ready to open my life up and put it out on the web? And was it worth taking up the space?

So why start now?

The short answer; I'm tired of over thinking things and not doing them. I don't think I'm going to pull out some amazing life experience from this, but maybe it will provide some perspective. This past November I got married, and while I'm thrilled beyond belief, I'm ready to move on to the rest of my life.

And that brings me to the first "purpose" for the blog. My birthday is looming, and while many of my friends assure me that 27 is not "late 20's", I do fee the need to make a conscious effort to achieve certain things in my life while I still have ample opportunities for them. Therefore, I have started working on 101 goals to be reached in 1001 days. I'm still working on my list and will post it, probably shy a few, on Feb. 1, my start date. I plan on using this blog to track my progress, setbacks, and overall thoughts of the process.

The other purpose of this blog is to track (and yammer on and on about) my knitting, and the people I drive up a wall with it. There is something so wonderful and calming (at least to me) about taking a long piece of yarn, a few needles, and some moxie, and coming out the other end with a product that wasn’t there when you started.

But I'll save that for another time. For now, I'll leave you with a picture of the finished product from my honeymoon yarn.


Testing. Let's see if this crazy thing will actually work.