Saturday, January 10, 2009

This one is for real

I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time, and in fact have had this account for about three months, just sitting here. Truth be told, I just wasn't sure if I had anything worth saying. Don't get me wrong, I can yammer on and on about absolutely nothing at all, but was I ready to open my life up and put it out on the web? And was it worth taking up the space?

So why start now?

The short answer; I'm tired of over thinking things and not doing them. I don't think I'm going to pull out some amazing life experience from this, but maybe it will provide some perspective. This past November I got married, and while I'm thrilled beyond belief, I'm ready to move on to the rest of my life.

And that brings me to the first "purpose" for the blog. My birthday is looming, and while many of my friends assure me that 27 is not "late 20's", I do fee the need to make a conscious effort to achieve certain things in my life while I still have ample opportunities for them. Therefore, I have started working on 101 goals to be reached in 1001 days. I'm still working on my list and will post it, probably shy a few, on Feb. 1, my start date. I plan on using this blog to track my progress, setbacks, and overall thoughts of the process.

The other purpose of this blog is to track (and yammer on and on about) my knitting, and the people I drive up a wall with it. There is something so wonderful and calming (at least to me) about taking a long piece of yarn, a few needles, and some moxie, and coming out the other end with a product that wasn’t there when you started.

But I'll save that for another time. For now, I'll leave you with a picture of the finished product from my honeymoon yarn.

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